Freelance Early-career Czech Translators and Machine Translation Post-Editors required for High Volume Travel Website

Job Description
Andovar is seeking a number of early-career translators/students to work on a large machine translation post-editing project for a leading online hotel booking/travel operator. The project is to translate 2 million English words to various languages including Czech. The content is very simple and consists of hotel room names and short booking notes.
This is work from home position: you must have a reliable internet connection and computer. We can provide successful candidates with the workload that suits your availability. Offer pay is depending on test results.
- Be a native of Czech
- Translation experience is not required
- You must own a recent model computer with an internet connection
- You must be willing to take a short translation/editing test of 400 words
Translator/Editor/Post Editor
- Translators should expect to manage appx 3,000 to 5,000 words per day of straightforward content
- Editors should expect to manage appx 6,000 to 8,000 words per day
- Machine translation post editors should expect to manage appx 10,000 to 15,000 words per day
- Glossary of hotel terminology provided.
Offer pay: up to EUR 30 per day, depending on test results
How to Apply
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