Job Description
At HOXTON, exceptional customer service is at the heart of our success. As a Customer Service Representative, you will ensure that we deliver on our promise of outstanding service. You’ll work with customers, business partners and remote employees to make sure we are meeting our commitments and delighting our customers at every step of the experience. To succeed in this role, you’ll need to be extraordinary at multitasking and delivering solutions that move multiple projects forward toward completion. As a part of the HOXTON team, you’ll have a starring role in helping us continue to provide daily solutions for our global customers.
Pay, benefits and more.
We are eager to attract the best, so we offer competitive compensation and a generous benefits package, including full health insurance and more.
What you’ll do on a typical day:
- Assist customers and business partners via telephone and email
- Handle customer complaints in a calm, professional manner
- Diagnose, assess and resolve problems or issues
- Monitor progress and delivery of security cards and security kits
- Process changes or cancellations to delivery orders
What you need to succeed at HOXTON:
At a minimum, you’ll need:
- High school diploma or equivalent
- 1 year of experience in a customer service role
- Proficiency in Microsoft Office and other business-related applications
It’d be great if you also have:
- Experience in a call center environment
- Bilingual in any other language
- Strong customer service skills and the ability to satisfactorily resolve issues
- Solid ability to multitask with exceptional organizational skills
- Ability to thrive under pressure while delivering solutions that exceed customer expectations
We equip successful candidates with a complete training, to join our team please visit us at https://hoxton.pw/
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